Improves Morale By Promoting a Sense of Ownership
Teamwork allows employees to take greater responsibility for decision making and also allows team members to control more of the work process. This can lead to improved morale as employees gain more authority and ownership over the projects they are working on. The extra responsibility can lead to a more rewarding work environment and lower turnover. Working on a team also gives employees a greater sense of belonging and of recognition, which helps them take more pride in their work, and their company.
Builds Trust and Enhances Relationships
In workplaces where teamwork isn't consistent, establishing groups helps build stronger relationships between employees and lets individuals learn to work through a disagreement. Establishing teams, even when they aren't necessary, creates an environment where workers continue to take pride in independent accomplishments while also celebrating the contributions of coworkers.
When a dispute arises, the team must settle the issue and resolve conflicting ideas instead of a manager interceding. This type of give and take often spills over into day-to-day operations and communications.
Greater Flexibility for the Organization
Teamwork can help companies to be more flexible. By bringing employees from different parts of a project together into one team, problems or bottlenecks can sometimes be ironed out more easily. For example, car manufacturers might sometimes use this method when designing automobiles. Instead of each new car design going through separate areas, such as design, engineering and parts supply, the car manufacturer will organize one team that includes employees from all those areas to design each car. As problems arise in one area, the entire team can deal with them and the work can proceed much faster.
Fosters Creativity and Innovation
Some companies use teams and teamwork to create a work environment which excels at creativity. These companies sometimes base their corporate structure almost entirely around teamwork, where staff are hired into general work areas and then chose to work on projects that best match their skills and interests. Leaders are appointed, and there is no chain of command or leadership hierarchy.